About us


Marco Simeoni, an Electrician and EMF Specialist, established Spectral Design in 2019. Having first-hand experience with chronic illness relating to environmental hazards lead to a passion for low EMF environments for optimal health, chronic illness prevention & recovery. Spectral Design is dedicated to learning about the latest research on EMF to provide our valued clients with the best possible service and most cost effective solutions.


Marco Simeoni

Licensed Electrician
Adv. EMR
EMF Testing Technician ACES

Marco spent years working in the natural health industry after developing a chronic health condition and finding no solutions in mainstream medicine. On his healing journey, he learned a lot about environmental stressors and their impact on human biology. He quickly realised that to give himself the best chance of recovery and bring his body back to balance he needed to remove all stressors and live the way biology intended - in harmony with nature.

As an electrician, he was able to eliminate his exposure to man-made EMF and adjust his artificial electric lighting to emulate both the day light spectrum and night time candlelight. His belief is to have an ā€œin harmonyā€ motto ingrained into everything we do and strive to have low EMF homes which emulate the habitats of our ancestors before us.

Sydney team member

Tiffany Hill

B Int. Arch. (Hons) UNSW
Adv. Dip. Building Biology ACES
EMF Testing Technician ACES

After practising Interior Architecture for 10 years, Tiffany completed her Advanced Diploma of Building Biology from ACES, whilst growing her young family. As she learned more about environmental hazards and toxins in the home, it answered many questions about her autoimmune condition with an early diagnosis at age 13. Researching about EMF became a hobby and a passion, along with toxins and suitable healthy building materials which was an invaluable resource as a parent and whilst renovating her home. Tiffany believes in the excellent results that Building Biology can provide, however in her opinion negotiating the EMF in our environment is one of the most important tenets. Her strength lies in providing families with insight on simple and positive steps to create a genuinely low-EMF home.

EMF Specialist

Our Missionā€Æ

We are passionate about continual learning & investigation about how EMFs impact the body and the best ways we can lower our exposure in the high-tech world we live in. We aim to assess all aspects of the non-native EMFs; AC Electric Fields & AC Magnetic Fields, Radiofrequencies, Dirty Electricity. We also raise awareness of often overlooked other types of man-made EMFs, plus Artificial Electrical Lighting. We also love striving to create new solutions, such as our custom Dirty Electricity Filters for Solar and other sources.

EMF is continually changing, and increased use of devices and technologies can feel overwhelming and like an uphill battle.

It is still possible to use technology in a safer way whilst reducing your EMF exposure. This can profoundly impact health and chronic illness recovery.

We are always upgrading our knowledge and our equipment. We have many happy clients that we’ve helped reduce EMF exposure for. We understand EMF hazards and protection, so you can have more control over your own health, especially in your home.ā€Æā€Æ

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