Electromagnetic Fields EMF testing solutions health family Australia

Are you concerned about

Electromagnetic Fields (EMF)
& Radiofrequency Radiation (RF)?

We provide EMF testing and solutions to create low EMF environments for optimal health and chronic illness recovery.

Spectral Design offers comprehensive full home EMF testing. We focus on measurable solutions, education, and practical ways to reduce your EMF exposure.ā€Æ We also provide custom dirty electricity filtering and create custom EMF solutions and shielding when required.

What are the common symptoms of EMF sensitivity?

  • Tiredness and fatigueĀ 
  • Waking feeling unrested, even with a lot of sleepĀ 
  • Insomnia and sleep problemsĀ 
  • Headaches and ā€œbrain fogā€Ā 
  • Tingling in hands, head and other parts of the bodyĀ 
  • Heating sensationsĀ 
  • Pressure on top of the headĀ 
  • TinnitusĀ 
  • Confusing and forgetting worksĀ 
  • Feeling overwhelmed – nervous system overstimulationĀ 

Read more hereĀ about Dirty Electricity (Dirty Power) and if you may be impacted.

Some of our EMF protection solutions include:

If you think your symptoms may be related to EMF exposure, consider if any of the following changes have occurred: moving into a new house or home renovation, acquiring a device or faster internet connection, increased time spent indoors, purchasing a car with WIFI/Bluetooth features installed, renovating office premises and alterations in the nearby environment such as phone towers.Ā 

Note that these symptoms can also mirror other environmental exposures.

Our Courses

If you want to expand your knowledge of EMF and health, we provide courses for concerned individuals, medical professionals, and building biologists. We’ve simplified the content based on past delivery experience for maximum efficiency – helping you comprehend the dangers of RF radiation, electric fields & earth currents, providing information about shielding materials & measuring EMF levels.Ā 

We’ll also discuss topics such as mould-EMF interaction & its effects on mitochondrial function, as our passion is optimal low EMF environments.

Through our courses, you will ...

Our Courses

Coming Soon! If you feel like expanding your knowledge of EMF and health, we provide courses for parents & concerned individuals, medical professionals and building biologists. We’ve simplified the content based on past delivery experience for maximum efficiency – helping you comprehend the dangers of RF radiation, electric fields & earth currents, providing information about shielding materials & measuring EMF levels.

What EMF sources do we assess, both inside and outside your home?

To ensure an optimal low EMF environment, we firmly believe that any measurable aspects of the EMF spectrum must be addressed. This includes addressing AC Electric fields as well as Artificial Electric Light as a part of Circadian Lighting to enable a healthy sleep-wake cycle. Implementing this allows for effective healing, hormone production and all the other required brain and body processes at night.

Electromagnetic Fields EMF testing solutions health family
Radiofrequency Radiation
Electromagnetic Fields EMF testing solutions health family
ā€œDirtyā€ Electricity
(electric and magnetic field components)
Electromagnetic Fields EMF testing solutions health family
ā€ÆAC & DC Magnetic Fields
Electromagnetic Fields EMF testing solutions health family
AC electrical fields
Electromagnetic Fields EMF testing solutions health family
Electrical Lighting
Electromagnetic Fields EMF testing solutions health family
Low Level Currents
Electromagnetic Fields EMF testing solutions health family
Electrical Installation
Electromagnetic Fields EMF testing solutions health family
Earthing System & Earth Electrode Resistance
Electromagnetic Fields EMF testing solutions health family
Body Voltage & Current
Electromagnetic Fields EMF testing solutions health family
Earth/Soil Voltage and Current
Electromagnetic Fields EMF testing solutions health family
Electrical Scanning with Thermal Imaging
Electromagnetic Fields EMF testing solutions health family
Solar Installations and safe solar set ups

Please Note – we do not specialise in Geomancy but refer to other practitioners when appropriate.ā€Æ

What does Spectral Design do?

We conduct comprehensive EMF assessments for homes and offices. We look at EMF hazards from a health perspective, not an industry perspective.ā€Æ As EMF Specialists and Building Biologists, we use the Precautionary Principle to assess your exposure to EMF measured against health-based guidelines rather than industry guidelines. We consider the health effects of all electromagnetic fields based on studies of the adverse health impacts of Electric and Magnetic Fields on human health found in scientific literature.ā€Æ 

We help people minimize their exposure to EMFs, as well as consult on healthy home designs and safe solar panel installations. We have also developed our own technology that filters ā€œdirtyā€ electricity from the electrical distribution grid and other sources such as solar panels. 

ā€ÆAlong with comprehensive on-site testing for existing living spaces (offering pre-purchase and pre-lease inspections), we also provide phone or online consultations with information specific to your home. We can also help you understand available products and shielding solutions to best protect you and your family in your home.ā€Æā€Æ 

Our EMF protection solutions include:

ā€ÆOptimal DC home set-upsĀ 

  • ā€Æ ā€Æ ā€Æ ā€ÆCustom Dirty Electricity (DE) filtering for solar and incoming DE from the grid
  • ā€Æ ā€Æ ā€Æ ā€ÆCustom smart meter shielding (if all other options are exhausted)
Electromagnetic Fields EMF testing solutions health family

Family stories

We can help you identify potential EMF risks in your home and recommend appropriate EMF protection solutions tailored for your unique needs.

Get in touch with us if you need help or want more information about EMFs and our services.
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